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Social Media Marketing - RazorSoft

Posted by on April 3, 2020

Let us make your brand known with social media marketing (SMM).

We can determine the right social platforms for marketing your brand. We develop brand awareness, create engagement, extend your reach, bring conversions, and improve your bottom line all with social media marketing.

We can set up and manage your brand with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and many other social media sites for you so that you can let potential clients know about your brand. We use the latest listening and analytics tools to determine where your customers and potential customers are on social media so that resources are spent where they will be most effective.

We can create an entire cultivated community for your brand. Social media tools can be used to identify trends and other market research.

We can drive leads to your business including your website, your messaging platforms, or to your telephone.

Your competition may not be utilizing social media. Many that are could be doing better. We can both keep an eye on your competitors with our SMM tools and manage your brand strategy giving you a competitive advantage.

We tailor social content with specific, defined goals. Sometimes it is to encourage engagement. Other times it is to prompt click thru. Still other times it is for expanding your reach. Sometimes content can be created to do all of these at once.

We can take care of your SMM. Let’s get started.

Posted in: Services